Saturday, February 4, 2012


well, another attempt at blogging. don't know how it will go this time either - i don't know if i'm cut out for this kind of thing. it's been so long since i've thought about actually writing, i couldn't even find this silly blog. but, i guess i need to find my voice. i know i have some things to say. once again, i hope no one finds this or follows. why don't i just write in a journal and make sure it's private? never to be found? maybe i will. blogging, i think there's some value in it - but my frustration now is it seems in order to be a successful blogger, you have to be a mom, a photographer and take pictures of your food, along with everything else. it seems everyone has become their own personal Better Homes & Garden magazine editor, and although I really like some of those blogs, it just kinda irritates me that that's the trend ( i dislike trends). i am a mom, and i can be a pretty good cook, i just don't like the idea of taking pictures of my food to show how amazing it might be. and, i have an issue with food right now, as food is rarely my friend - so many allergies, so many intolerance's, so many stomach aches. well, i guess what i wanted to talk about today is "social anxiety". what an ugly phrase. it's ugly because of what it means. i used to think that people who had social anxiety were somehow weak, and maybe crazy - i mean, who gets anxious about being with people? i am an innie (introvert), so people can wear me out, but, this anxiety thing is a whole different matter. it's like having chronic fatigue and you think that sleep will make it better but it doesn't. now, i would actually like to spend some time with people, and i'm feeling a bit isolated, although the idea of being with people feels a bit poisonous, very overwhelming. no body talks about this. and i wonder who knows what to do with it?? it's very uncomfortable. it's not who i am, but i am stuck with it at the moment and it seems to be taking over. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I found hiding when you put things out on the web : ) I love hearing your thoughts because I don't get to hear your voice from 3,000 miles away. And I'm not one of those bloggers so you can read my blog...they annoy me too most of the time. I just write to write. Sometimes it's about my kids and sometimes it's just venting, sometimes it's about my journey and the things God is doing. But I do it for me...and as a way to keep those close to me informed and because I always fail at journaling. It's so much easier to sit and type then to write for some reason. I can somewhat relate to your social issues; there are days when being around our group of friends makes me want to cringe. Not sure why. But I'll be praying for you Bonnie. So keep writing for that reason if no let me know how to pray for you specifically. I love you lady.
